I designed four double page spreads. The first one I drew had the title on the left hand side of the page, below the title is a small paragraph about what is featured in the text. The paragraph gives the viewer a brief description about what they are going to be reading. On the lower half of the page are two columns of text, either an article or an interview. The text then follows onto the second page, where there is another column. Above the last column of text is a small picture of the act that will be featured and read about. Next to the column and small picture is a large mid long shot of the act. The picture will grab readers attention as it will stand out.
The second sketch has the title in the same place as the last one, in the top left hand side. Below this title is a brief paragraph about the interview or article. Underneath the paragraph and title is where the interview/article starts. The first quarter of the text stretches across the page and the other quarter is a column. Below the stretched text is a medium sized picture. On the opposite page the text carries on in two more columns sitting beside each other. Above and behind the columns is a single/large picture of the person that is the main feature. Therefore the text overlaps the image.
On the third sketch the title takes up half of one of the pages. The text starts as a column on the left hand side of the page and opposite that is a mid long image of the feature. On the other page there are two small images at the top. Below one of the images is a column with more text in. Next to the column is two much smaller columns with the last bit of writing in them.
The fourth and final sketch has the title in the top left corner. Down the left hand side of the page is a mid long shot of the musician. Floating next to the musician are three smaller pictures of the musician and his/her band. On the opposite page are three different sized columns with text in. These columns will either have the interview or article featured inside them. Below the last column on the bottom right side of the page is a small box with information on local gigs.