Thursday, 17 March 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Planning

I designed four double page spreads. The first one I drew had the title on the left hand side of the page, below the title is a small paragraph about what is featured in the text. The paragraph gives the viewer a brief description about what they are going to be reading. On the lower half of the page are two columns of text, either an article or an interview. The text then follows onto the second page, where there is another column. Above the last column of text is a small picture of the act that will be featured and read about. Next to the column and small picture is a large mid long shot of the act. The picture will grab readers attention as it will stand out.

The second sketch has the title in the same place as the last one, in the top left hand side. Below this title is a brief paragraph about the interview or article. Underneath the paragraph and title is where the interview/article starts. The first quarter of the text stretches across the page and the other quarter is a column. Below the stretched text is a medium sized picture. On the opposite page the text carries on in two more columns sitting beside each other. Above and behind the columns is a single/large picture of the person that is the main feature. Therefore the text overlaps the image.

On the third sketch the title takes up half of one of the pages. The text starts as a column on the left hand side of the page and opposite that is a mid long image of the feature. On the other page there are two small images at the top. Below one of the images is a column with more text in. Next to the column is two much smaller columns with the last bit of writing in them. 

The fourth and final sketch has the title in the top left corner. Down the left hand side of the page is a mid long shot of the musician. Floating next to the musician are three smaller pictures of the musician and his/her band. On the opposite page are three different sized columns with text in. These columns will either have the interview or article featured inside them. Below the last column on the bottom right side of the page is a small box with information on local gigs.

Music Magazine Contents Page Planning

This is four sketches of what I would like the contents page to look like. The first drawing I did had the word contents in the centre of the top of the page. Sitting next to the contents title is the magazines logo. On the left hand side of the page down the side is a rectangular shaped box with the page numbers. Next to the box is a list of the Indie chart music. Below the chart is a small picture and to the right of the chart is another small picture. On the bottom of the contents page is a competition. With details on how to enter it etc. The competition box is spread right along the bottom of the page to catch people's attention.

On the second drawing the contents page word flows down the left hand side of the page. In the centre of the page on top of the other is three small pictures of bands/singers/gigs. On the right side of the page is a rectangular box of whats on the pages and their numbers. And on the bottom of the page is the editors review, this contains a tiny picture of the editor in the corner of the box. Last of all the logo of the magazine is positioned in the top right hand corner of the page.

The third drawing of the contents page is probably my favorite one. The word contents is spread across the bottom of the page. Above the title are two music notes on either side of the page, on the left hand side is a quaver note and to the right is a treble clef. Above these music notes at two small boxes with pictures inside. In the centre of the page is a long box with the pages and the numbers in. There is a list of concerts in the top left hand side of the page and spread from the left to the right is a competition entry.

The last drawing has the title in the very centre of the page. Above the contents title is a list of the pages and whats featured on them. Below the title is a stretched box of two images. Below the pictures is a small box allowing us a sneak peak of what is inside the magazine. and last of all to the right hand side of the page is a beamed quaver music note.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Music Magazine Cover Planning

This is four sketches drawn to decide which one will make the front cover. The first cover I chose to draw  the photo in the centre of the page. It is a mid long shot of a female singer. The masthead is positioned at the top left hand side of the page in sans serif font. Placed next to the picture is the main cover line, underneath is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th cover lines.

On the right hand side of the top corner is where the second sketch of the front cover is. The masthead flows down the left hand side of the cover, instead of mastheads always being at the top I though placing it down the side would be better and different than other magazines. Leaning against the masthead is a medium long shot of the character that will be featuring in the magazine. At hip height of the character, along to the right hand side of the page is the main cover line. Above and below the main cover line, is the less important cover lines that tell us what other smaller story's or interviews that feature in the magazine.

On the bottom of the paper are two other sketch's of the front cover. On the left hand side is the third drawing. The masthead is positioned at the top left hand corner. In the centre of the page is a mid shot of the character in the magazine. In front of the person is the main cover line that stretches across the middle of the page. Below the main cover line are three more cover lines, these are positioned on the left and right hand side of the page and then the third smaller cover line is placed below both other cover  lines and the main one too. This is so readers focus on the bigger, more important feature rather than the less important stories.

On the fourth and final drawing, the masthead is at the top right hand side of the page. On the bottom right hand side is the character sitting on the floor holding an acoustic guitar. Opposite to the picture is the main cover line, in big bold writing to help get peoples attention. Above the picture and main cover line are two more cover lines. These cover lines don't stand out as much as the main cover line as i would like people to focus on the picture and the story behind it. This front cover is a lot more simple than the others as it only has a total of three cover lines instead of four.