Friday, 15 April 2011

Music Magazine Cover Audience Feedback

I asked two people out of my target audience some questions about the magazine. In order to get some feedback and help me make some changes to my magazine pages. By asking these questions I am able to see if my magazine matches their standards.

The names of the people I asked are Emily and Holly. The first question I asked was 'Does the picture go well with the masthead and cover lines?' These were the answers.

Holly: I think the way the background of the picture has been brightened up to stand out more helps the masthead and cover lines blend well together. The different shades of blue match well and don't clash! Which in my opinion is very important on a magazine front cover. The way the person stands in the photo is done very well as she fits perfectly around each cover line and her head sits nicely next to the masthead.

Emily: I like how the masthead is a different shade of blue to the cover lines. The bright white background helps the cover lines catch the audiences eyes. The way the picture has been taken is great as non of the cover lines ruin the main part of the photo for example, the face. Also another good thing is how the main feature is spread across her body to show that she is the one to focus on.

The next question I asked was ' Do the fonts go well together?'

Holly: The fonts do go well. I like how you have changed the font for the main cover line to let people know that it's the most important. Also how the other three cover lines are the same font but different to the main cover line. It helps that stand out.

Emily: The way the fonts are different and the colours are the same makes it all fit together really well. Plus the fonts don't clash and that is very important.

The third question was 'do you like how the picture is presented?'

Holly: Yes, the picture is positioned very well in the centre of the cover. Therefore cover lines can sit nicely beside it. It is also a good size for when it levels up with the masthead 'Blur'.

Emily: I like the way the picture is centered. And how the cover lines around it don't disturb the importance or the picture, mainly the face. I also like how a couple of the cover lines lap over the picture.

The fourth and final question I asked was 'What did you think of the layout?'

Holly: I think the layout has been put together very well. The way the text over laps the picture makes it look professional.

Emily: I think the layout if very carefully thought of. The text goes together really well. The colours were a really great choice as they don't clash with anything and match the picture.

I also asked them to sum up two good points and two bad points about the magazine cover.

  • The shades of blue is a really good choice as it goes well with the background.
  • The picture size catches the audience's attention as it stands out.
  • The cover looks a little bare as there are only 4 cover lines, but no more information on them.
  • There's a little bit too much blue on the front cover.
  • The colours are good because they mix together and make the picture stand out. So if it was on a shelf it would catch someone's eye.
  • The cover lines are intriguing and stand out.
  • Too much space has been left, therefore it makes viewers think that there's not a lot in the magazine.
  • The 'r' of the 'Blur' masthead would have looked better behind the model's head instead of over lapping.

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