Friday 4 February 2011

Music Magazine Cover Research

The Kerrang magazine is for the people who love the indie/rock culture of music! The title Kerrang is spread across the top of the page in big bold writing. The sell line is positioned across the the side of the title in yellow writing, the sell line is 'life is loud'. The picture looks like a mid shot but is cropped because of the text at the bottom which then makes it look like a close up. The name of the band 'Fall Out Boy' is in large bold white serif writing so that it does not blend in with the background. The cover line is positioned under the band name, and is slightly smaller and yellow writing to go with the colour of the sell line. There are two smaller cover lines telling the viewers what else is going to be featured inside the magazine. The sign that says 'two free posters' goes with Pete Wentz' t-shirt, they are the same colour therefore the magazine does not clash. Along the bottom there is information telling us the bands that are inside the magazine. The background colour of this information matches the sell line and the cover line of Fall Out Boy. This shows that Kerrang have been very professional and careful with how they have chosen their colours for the front page of the magazine.
The NME's title is positioned at the top left hand side of the page in bold, capital, red writing. Straight away this catches readers attention to look at the magazine to see what it's about. The sell line goes above the NME title. The bands name 'The Killers' is centered at the lower middle of the page. The writing is unbelievably big so you can't miss the word 'KILLERS', it is also done in a non-serif font. Below the name there is the main cover line about the singer of the band and above the name there is a quote of what he has said. The quote writing is much smaller and thinner than the cover line as it's more important for people to read to cover line before any thing else. The picture is split into three of the same person doing different poses. There is a tear separating each picture which makes the magazine look 'bad'. Obviously in a good way. The pictures are all mid shots and obvious that it's the same person as he is wearing the same clothes on each but has different objects to show different 'emotions'. This goes with his quote 'I'm having a personality crisis right now'.

The Q mgazine cover is very simple but exciting! The Q logo is positioned at the top left hand side of the page. The lack of a sell line doesn't interfear with the magazines popularity as there is a comment in the right hand corner saying 'The 50 best albums of 2008'. The font of this quote is serif as there are flicks on some of the letters. Again it's the same with the quote 'Play time for The Killers', they are the same type of font (serif) and same colour. The picture of the Kings of Leon matches the main cover line so well. The fact that the cover line is called 'Kings of Leon Breakthough' and the picture is of the four band members breaking through a sheet of glass just puts the whole magazine together so well. I was very impressed with what they had done to match them both up. The main cover line is non-serif font. The colour pink is used three times in each set of writing so show that the colours match and don't clash.

The rolling stone magazine is extremely popular. The title of the magazine is done in a serif font and the colour is bright red to match all of their other magazines of the same name. The main feature of the magazine is Oasis, the band name is just below the Rolling Stone, to right hand side of the page. The writing is bright yellow and again is serif font. The only thing the picture and the follow on from the cover line have in common is the fact they are about the same people. The picture is a close up of both the Gallagher brothers, mainly focused on the lead singer. The photo is of them pulling straight/sad faces to try and prove that they are better than how low people may think they are. The follow on of the main cover line is a short sentence explaining who they are. The writing heads down the middle of the brothers and is done again in a serif font. The red and yellow writing fit together well as they do not clash in any way.

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