Wednesday 16 February 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Article Research

This double page spread is kept very simple. For example the colours are all very similar. The picture of the band 'The Vaccines' covers up three quarters of the double page, therefore one of the band members has a crease down half of his body. The rest of the band are fine the way they are standing. Their faces are posed as serious, therefore this represents that they are serious about their music and band. The title for the articles is called 'The Vaccines', in a non serif font with navy blue colour writing. The title is large and this helps catch readers attention aswell as the giant photo on the oppocite page. Below the title there is a small opening paragraph of brief information on when they got together and how sucessful they are becoming. Again done in a non serif font with navy blue writing, the important words are done in a light blue colour to make it stand out. The article is in two columns, at the beginning of one section the word starts with a J therefore they have the J in a light blue colour as well as much larger than the rest of the writing. Again for another section it starts with F, therefore the F is light blue and much larger. In the middle of the article there is a quote from 'Justin Young'. This quote is larger writing in a blue non serif font. This quote will be featured somewhere in the article. Around the page there are light blue squares and lines, this is letting the magazine be creative with it's colour scheme.

The next article is on the 'All American Rejects'. The title is on the top left corner called 'Dirty Little Secrets'. 'Dirty Little' is in a serif pink font and 'Secrets' is in a non serif red font done in capitals. Below the title there is a small paragraph about what the article is going to be about. The writing is serif with half red and half pink words. The article is done in columns again with half pink half red words. The subheading is red. In the middle of the double page is the mid shot picture of the band. A crease in down the side of two of the members. Smaller individual black and white pictures are placed around the main picture. The singer of the band is wearing a red hat to go with the red writing through out the magazine. Their pose is guilty faces as their article is about all of their dirty little secrets. On the other side of the picture the article continues with the last column of writing. Above this column is a quote from one of the band members. Done is black serif writing with a pink background to match half of the title.

This magazine article has a colour scheme of white, red and black. The title is half red and half white in a serif font. The writing is quite large therefore catches readers attention. The Article is small in  two columns, the first coloumn starts off with a word beginning with M. The M is large and in red. The rest of the smaller writing is white. The main picture is on the left hand side of the page. It is a mid shot of the main singer of My Chemical Romance, in the background the drummer is present as the photo is taken from a gig of theirs. Below to the right of the picture is three smaller pictures of each of the band members in black and white. The black and white effect shows that the band is not pop, but alternative rock! Alternative rock isn't silly about about their colours. they represent them really well.

Street Fighters is the title of this article. The 'Street' word is done in serif italic writing. The 'Fighters' has a red background to it and white non serif writing. This makes the word fighters stand out and attract the readers.  Below the title there is a small paragraph explaining little details about the band. The writing is in white and the main words in red. The article is written in columns, at the start of the first parapgraph there is a drop cap in red. The picture is in the middle of the page, therefore one of the band members arms is in half. The effect of the photo is in black and white. This lets the readers know that the magazine is rock alternative. No silly pop colours are used in this magazine. The red and white colours represent a link between the magazine logo and the title of the article. Next to the main picture are three smaller black and white photos of each member of the band. The black and white is part of the colour scheme and is unique as normally magazines are filled with bright colours.

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